2) Apparently, I embarrass him and my jokes aren't funny. (Isn't that supposed to happen at about 12 or so?)
3) He mows the lawn......all by himself. Hallelujah!!!
4) He scrapes up dead animals from the yard with a shovel.....mumbling about how his mother is a whimp and/or a baby.
5) He wants to listen to "his" music in the car, cheers about the Jonas Brothers
and Taylor Swift (whoever they are), and then sings along to every word.
Welcome back!! You've been dearly missed. I laughed numerous times as I read your account of the bird. It's still as creepy and exhilirating as when Kaila told it to me the first time. I just got shivers up my spine again thinking about it. Ick.
P.S. Ian is very dapper in his bow tie and suit. No wonder Leah was enamored by him, from a distance, of course.
Wow look at him, I love the bowtie, we need to get together.
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